Easy as 1-2-3!

In a Multi-TV environment like yours - it's not a matter IF the program is playing that your patron wants to see, it's WHERE.
Hence our motto is "It's not if it's on, It's Where it's On ©", with dozens of TV's playing chances are the show your patron wants is on one of them so the real trick a large system needs is a quick way to transfer shows between TV's, with our exclusive patented system anyone can do this with only 3 keystrokes and less then 5 minutes of training.
For example, a patron sits down near TV 18 and requests a program that is currently playing on TV6 across the room. All the attendant has to do is:
1Select "Select TV"
2Select TV6 (the TV with the proper program) - A popup screen will appear showing the source that is connected to TV6 along with a panel showing all your TV's.
3Select TV18